Category Archives: Articles

Read the latest Life Insurance articles, insights, news and expert advice from the leading life insurance & life protection services broker within the UAE.

Why You Should Choose Term Life Insurance.

why term life insurance

The burden of looking after a family can often seem enormous. Not only must you consider their general wellbeing, but also their financial wellbeing. How can you ensure that you will always be able to provide for them, including their financial futures? At IAE, we believe that one of the best ways to do this […]

Why You Should Have A Life Insurance Policy and Critical Illness Cover.

both life insurance critical

Many recognise having a life insurance policy as an essential, ensuring the financial security of your family in case the worst should happen. Of these people there are a huge amount that neglect the importance of critical illness cover. But, when taking out a life insurance policy, critical illness cover really shouldn’t be forgotten about. […]

UAE Coronavirus News Roundup – Part Six

uae coronavirus news six

How to Adapt to Working Online During – and after – the Coronavirus Pandemic. During the Coronavirus Pandemic, everyone has had to face the reality of adapting to managing their finances online. Even insurance policies have adapted so that they are more suited to an online setting. Electronic Insurance Accounts have made it easier to […]

Consumers Exhibiting a Change in Mindset Toward Life Insurance in the UAE

life insurance critical illness

As a result of COVID-19, many UAE residents are thinking about their life insurance and critical illness policies. There’s no surprise here. After all, the cost of living is expensive in the UAE and financial security has become a concern for many residents during the uncertain time of the pandemic. Are Insurers Still Accepting Applications […]

Life Insurance and the Importance of Employee Wellbeing

life insurance employee wellbeing

Life insurance, employee wellbeing and Coronavirus might be the three most discussed topics of the pandemic. In the age of Coronavirus, industries must re-evaluate their entire operation. The insurance industry is also faced with this challenge. However, in the case of insurance, there is also a great opportunity for the industry to change the way […]

UAE Coronavirus News Roundup – Part Five

uae coronavirus news five

Continuing our regular news coverage, we’ve collected the most relevant stories for our customers in part five of our UAE Coronavirus News Roundup. How to pay your bills during Coronavirus. Many in the UAE, and the world over, are facing job losses as a result of Coronavirus. As a result, hordes of people are wondering […]

Insurance Sector: Friday UAE News Roundup.

friday uae news roundup

It’s difficult to keep track of all the important financial stories coming out of the UAE. Luckily, IAE have collected all the UAE news that you need to see. Get caught up over the weekend with our Friday UAE News Roundup. Is an Expat Exodus on the Horizon? With recent research from Oxford Economics projecting […]

UAE Coronavirus News Roundup – Part Four

uae coronavirus news four

‘Is My Insurance Policy Any Good?’ – Reviewing Your Insurance in the Age of Coronavirus. Many residents in the UAE are reviewing their insurance policies as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. Many of the enquires for insurance policies of all different types are currently on the increase in the UAE. Perhaps one of the […]

Life Insurance Becomes a Priority in Post-Coronavirus UAE.

life insurance uae coronavirus

According to a survey of 1000 UAE residents by Zurich, life insurance is one of the top priorities for UAE residents after the Coronavirus. As a result of the pandemic, almost half of those surveyed put life insurance at the top of their list of financial priorities. 51% of respondents also identified savings as a […]

UAE Coronavirus News Roundup – Part Three

coronavirus news roundup three

During the Coronavirus Pandemic, it’s been hard to keep up with the constant stream of news – especially with conflicting stories emanating from the wide array of different sources. Here at IAE, we’ve been collecting the most important Coronavirus news stories for our customers in the UAE. The following is part three of our UAE […]