Category Archives: Articles

Read the latest Life Insurance articles, insights, news and expert advice from the leading life insurance & life protection services broker within the UAE.

UAE Coronavirus News Roundup – Part Two

uae coronavirus news two

During the Coronavirus Pandemic, it’s been hard to keep up with the constant stream of news – especially with conflicting stories emanating from the wide array of different sources. Here at IAE, we’ve been collecting the most important Coronavirus news stories for our customers in the UAE. The following is part one of our UAE […]

UAE Coronavirus News Roundup – Part One

uae coronavirus news one

During the Coronavirus Pandemic, it’s been hard to keep up with the constant stream of news – especially with conflicting stories emanating from the wide array of different sources. Here at IAE, we’ve been collecting the most important Coronavirus news stories for our customers in the UAE. The following is part one of our UAE […]

UAE Life Insurance Claims Increasing

uae life claims increasing

Amongst those of us leading normal lives, there’s a resistance to considering the possibility of long-term debilitating illness or death. However, according to a recent report by Zurich, the number of life insurance or critical illness claims in the UAE are increasing. In fact, over 11m USD have been paid out in the last three […]

COVID-19 – Protect Your Loved Ones With Life Insurance

covid-19 protect loved ones

During this highly unusual and unprecedented pandemic Covid-19 period, Life Insurance (and Life Protection) in general has been featuring heavily in forums and in the news in general. In order to protect your loved ones against the unpredictable, like Covid-19, having life insurance is invaluable. If your family – or indeed anyone- is dependent on […]

If You Fail to Prepare You Prepare to Fail

Fail to Prepare and Prepare to Fail.

Fail to Prepare Then Prepare to Fail. Contact IAE Insure for a no obligation chat about your Life Protection needs. When it comes to protecting your loved ones , there really is no excuse for being unprepared for any misfortune or unexpected life changing event. This applies even more so if you are married, have […]

Life Insurance and Critical Illness Protection is a Financial Parachute.

When you fall you need to ensure you can land safely.

Life Insurance and Critical Illness Protection is a Financial Parachute. “Life Insurance is like a parachute, if you don’t have it the first time you need it, there is no second chance” – Luis A. Ortiz Haddock It’s all too easy to think you’ll only ever need a “parachute” in the most extreme circumstances. Many […]

Life Protection becomes more expensive.

Life Protection becomes more expensive

Millennials – Life Protection becomes more expensive the older you become. There are statistically five main reasons why people take out Life insurance. People depend on you so you don’t want to leave your loved ones with financial worries. It’s hard enough for people to deal with highly stressful and emotional situations such as the […]

Coronavirus –  Follow World Health Organisation rules – Be Kind

Follow World Health Organisation rules - Be Kind

Coronavirus – At IAE Insure, we hope that you are following the World Health Organisation recommendations to help battle the COVID-19 Virus. Be Kind to address fears during #coronavirus Show empathy with those affected. Learn about the disease to assess the risks. Adopt practical measures to stay safe. Remember, always wash your hands in hot […]

Coronavirus –  Follow World Health Organisation rules – Be Kind

Follow World Health Organisation rules - Be Kind

Coronavirus  –  At IAE Insure, we hope that you are following the World Health Organisation recommendations to help battle the COVID-19 Virus. Be Kind to address stigma during #coronavirus Share the latest facts & avoid hyperbole. Show solidarity with affected people. Tell stories of people who have experienced the virus. Remember, always wash your hands […]

Coronavirus –  Follow World Health Organisation rules – Be Kind

Follow World Health Organisation rules - Be Kind

Coronavirus  –  At IAE Insure, we hope that you are following the World Health Organisation recommendations to help battle the COVID-19 Virus. Be Kind to support your loved ones during #coronavirus Check in regularly especially with those affected. Encourage them to keep doing what they are doing. Share WHO information to manage anxiety. Provide calm […]