Life Insurance is the simplest and most important way to lessen the financial strain of losing a loved one. Dealing with bereavement is a difficult task for anyone, so making sure that your loved ones are protected against financial difficulties in the event of your death is of paramount importance. The Cost of Funerals. Losing […]
Category Archives: Finance & Accounting
Remote Advice and Life Insurance. Over the course of the pandemic, working remotely has become the familiar reality. But with lockdowns easing all over the world and people adjusting to the ‘new normal’, there seems to be no end in sight for working remotely. The remote advice market is expected to continue through at least […]
Many recognise having a life insurance policy as an essential, ensuring the financial security of your family in case the worst should happen. Of these people there are a huge amount that neglect the importance of critical illness cover. But, when taking out a life insurance policy, critical illness cover really shouldn’t be forgotten about. […]
How to Adapt to Working Online During – and after – the Coronavirus Pandemic. During the Coronavirus Pandemic, everyone has had to face the reality of adapting to managing their finances online. Even insurance policies have adapted so that they are more suited to an online setting. Electronic Insurance Accounts have made it easier to […]
Starting a family often brings with it a change of perspective. Having a child gives you the opportunity to reflect and recognise what is important in your life. Often, one of the most important things you can do after having a child is revisiting your financial plan. After all, you’ve just added your new child […]
It’s difficult to keep track of all the important financial stories coming out of the UAE. Luckily, IAE have collected all the UAE news that you need to see. Get caught up over the weekend with our Friday UAE News Roundup. Is an Expat Exodus on the Horizon? With recent research from Oxford Economics projecting […]
‘Is My Insurance Policy Any Good?’ – Reviewing Your Insurance in the Age of Coronavirus. Many residents in the UAE are reviewing their insurance policies as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. Many of the enquires for insurance policies of all different types are currently on the increase in the UAE. Perhaps one of the […]
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