The UAE’s Golden Visa program is a big drawing point for investors, entrepreneurs, skilled professionals, and outstanding students to live and work in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and other Emirates within the UAE. The UAE’s Golden Visa program is known as one of the best worldwide compared to many other country’s long-term residency schemes, however, one […]
Tag Archives: Dubai
If you have been a long-time resident in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, or other Emirate within the UAE, or if you are an investor, skilled individual, or outstanding student who could bring benefits to the UAE economy, then you may have been researching what a Golden Visa is and how it could benefit you. If you […]
Living and working in the UAE offers many opportunities, but it also comes with unique financial responsibilities. In a country where residents — both locals and expatriates — play active roles in shaping their financial futures, protection insurance has emerged as a vital safety net. As a leading life insurance broker with a longstanding reputation, […]
As a trusted life insurance broker with a long-standing presence in the UAE, IAE Insure has witnessed significant changes in the life insurance landscape over recent years. Our commitment to providing tailored solutions for individuals and businesses has given us a unique perspective on how personal and group life insurance has evolved. From regulatory reforms […]
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is set to take a significant step towards achieving universal health coverage by mandating employer-paid health insurance for all foreign employees in the private sector nationwide. Starting in 2025, this policy will extend beyond Abu Dhabi and Dubai, ensuring comprehensive healthcare benefits for employees across all seven emirates. For businesses […]
Health Insurance in Dubai. Over the past ten years, medical tourism has increased as a result of the UAE’s reputation for having the highest caliber healthcare facilities. Since healthcare is so common, there are roughly 181 doctors for every 100,000 residents. One of the most important problems in any community is the lack of health […]
With a vaccine on the horizon, optimism is growing about the COVID-19 pandemic drawing to a close. But, with life heading towards the new normal, people’s attitudes and mindsets have permanently changed. Changing Mindsets. It’s no surprise that both people’s attitudes and priorities are changing as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic. A recent study […]
During the Coronavirus Pandemic, it’s been hard to keep up with the constant stream of news – especially with conflicting stories emanating from the wide array of different sources. Here at IAE, we’ve been collecting the most important Coronavirus news stories for our customers in the UAE. The following is part three of our UAE […]
If you don’t have Life Insurance or Critical Illness cover in place for when you need it, you’re too late and have missed the point of it. However, if you have a policy in place, you can ensure and make sure you have enough protection by talking with an experienced broker. We have many customers […]
Fail to Prepare Then Prepare to Fail. Contact IAE Insure for a no obligation chat about your Life Protection needs. When it comes to protecting your loved ones , there really is no excuse for being unprepared for any misfortune or unexpected life changing event. This applies even more so if you are married, have […]